How A Place Works

A Holistic Sustainable Community

APTS acquires buildings in depressed neighborhoods with high incidence of hunger and homelessness. Housing is made available for families in need. Residents attend classes and receive job training in order to become independent.

Each facility will have an organic garden which provides: job training and opportunities; a revenue stream for sustainability; healthy produce for the residents and community; and organic agricultural and environmental science education opportunities for the community. An on-site restaurant will provide meals and will be staffed by residents who will receive food-service training that could lead to restaurant employment. Check out Terriā€™s garden.

With community partners APTS will offer GED certification, basic literacy courses, vocational training, adult education programs, technology and computer classes and other assistance to help residents reach their goals. The education and jobs components of the APTS program work hand-in-hand.

APTS will offer employment working at and maintaining each facility as well as entrepreneurial guidance and support. All residents rotate through our on-site work training programs, including administration, building maintenance, organic farming, and food and beverage operations. They may continue to work on-site or prepare for employment in these fields. In addition to on-site work opportunities, APTS helps residents successfully complete accredited vocational training programs by providing the support systems necessary including: transportation, child care, and job application assistance.

Poverty quickly leads to health problems such as malnutrition, addiction, hypertension and other ailments. APTS partners with healthcare providers to establish quality on-site full-service health clinics.